Vitmossen Wetland

Model Wetlands • Vitmossen, Vöyri

Part of the wetland in autumn 2022. Photo: Holtti Hakonen

Vitmossen Wetland, Vöyri

Photo of a field scenery taken with a drone.
The green hayfield floods easily and therefore cumbersome to farm. During spring floods the field is full of staging waterbirds on their way to find wetland to raise their young. What if there would be brood habitat right here? Photo: Holtti Hakonen
Bulldozer on a meadow.
Let’s make plan, work the way through the necessary bureaucracy and get to work! Bulldozer is a cost-effective tool to create gentle slopes and durable dams at the wetlands. Photo: Holtti Hakonen
Field scenery photo taken with a drone.
Almost ready! Lowest laying section of the field was untouched, providing perfect flooded habitat for birds while areas of soil extraction for dam construction provides space for wetland vegetation succession. Photo: Holtti Hakonen
Small wetland photo taken with a drone.
At the back corner of Vitmossen property another small field edge had the same actions. Soil extraction are already filled with water and on the summer of 2023 the water will be raised to flood the low-laying grass for perfect brood habitat. Photo: Holtti Hakonen
Completed wetland in May 2024. Photo: Petri Jauhiainen
Completed wetland in May 2024. Photo: Petri Jauhiainen
Completed wetland in May 2024. Photo: Petri Jauhiainen
Completed wetland in May 2024. Photo: Petri Jauhiainen
Completed wetland in May 2024. Photo: Petri Jauhiainen
Completed wetland in May 2024. Photo: Petri Jauhiainen